News PragmaGO

What’s new with PragmaGO? Find out the latest information on current events, products, financial results and the market situation.

News PragmaGO

PragmaGO przejęła spółkę Monevia

PragmaGO consolidates factoring market and acquires Monevia company

The two entities will be able to scale up and jointly develop digital factoring dedicated to micro and small businesses.

Zostaliśmy laureatem Diamentów Forbesa 2024

We are the winner of Forbes Diamonds 2024!

We found ourselves in the elite group of the fastest growing companies in Poland.

Jesteśmy partnerem konferencji organizowanej przez Holistic Talk – „Dobro. Prawda. Humanizm.”

We have become a Partner of the conference “Goodness. Truth. Humanism.” Join us for the event!

We have prepared a discount worth 60 PLN. All you need to do when buying a ticket is enter the code: HTpartner24.

Wyniki PragmaGO za IIIQ 2023

PragmaGO does not slow down in the third quarter

The company is rapidly expanding both factoring and embedded finance.

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