Refer customers to our services and earn

Fill out the online form

After submitting the application, you will receive the contract at the email address provided.

Read it and accept its terms with a single click.

Attractive contract commission
You will receive a commission on every contract your client enters into with us.
Your passive income
You will receive an additional commission on each service launched by a client (as recurring passive income).
Attractive commission
You earn commissions even when the customer stops using your services.
Competitions with attractive prizes
You can gain even more by participating in contests with high cash prizes.

How does cooperation with PragmaGO work?

Joining the PragmaGO affiliate program is free of charge. We do not impose any plans or sales thresholds.

You do not need to have specialized knowledge of our products. You will receive from us a package of informational materials, which you can give to the customer to learn about our services. All the paperwork is on our side. You don’t have to spend time processing applications and contracts with the client.

He can apply for all products online – without your participation.

Three steps to successful collaboration:

Wypełnij wniosek
Zgłoś chęć współpracy poprzez formularz online. Umowę otrzymasz na wskazany adres e-mail. Możesz ją zaakceptować jednym kliknięciem.
Wejdź do Strefy Brokera
Strefa Brokera to nasza aplikacja dostępna online. Z jej poziomu możesz dodawać swoich klientów i śledzić usługi, z których zdecydowali się skorzystać.
Odbierz telefon od swojego opiekuna
Nasz pracownik skontaktuje się z Tobą, by wyjaśnić wszelkie wątpliwości. Zostanie on na stałe Twoim opiekunem i będzie Ci służył pomocą, kiedy tylko będziesz jej potrzebować.

Broker Zone is a number of facilities for you

You can report your client in the Broker Zone. If you do this, you will block another broker from reporting it for 3 months (this is called lead blocking). If your customer uses our services during this time, you will start making money.

Learn more about our services and see what your customers can gain!

Online factoring with a fixed contract

Decision by 24 hours

Financing limit from 50,000 to 15,000,000 PLN (if your customer needs a higher limit, please contact us)

Mode of contract conclusion: electronically, such as through the Autenti system, or traditionally – we will send our advisor or arrange courier service for your client

Limits and settlements in PLN or EUR

Revolving Loan

Renewable limit up to PLN 100,000

Fixed monthly fee and repayment in 12 installments

Without tangible collateral

Product available for JDG and commercial companies

Mode of contract conclusion by SMS code

Tax financing

Payment in installments for current tax liabilities: PIT, CIT, VAT and Social Security contributions

Transfer straight to the customer’s bank account

Repayment in 3, 6, 9 or 12 monthly installments

Mode of contract conclusion by SMS code

Product available for both JDG and commercial companies

Financing of individual invoices

Financing limit from 500 to even 100,000 PLN

Decision time up to 2 hours after acceptance of the invoice by the recipient

Mode of contract conclusion by SMS code

Limits and settlements in PLN or EUR

How brokers rate us:

Wioletta Wojnusz

Wioletta Wojniusz

Director of Business Products Department, NOTUS Finanse

PragmaGO has a transparent and fair offer that is competitive for our customers. With online solutions, PragmaGO products are easily accessible and the application process is simple and intuitive. PragmaGO is a partner that cares about long-term cooperation – if we have any questions, we can count on a quick response and support. PragmaGO also organizes training sessions for our staff, where we can exchange knowledge in a relaxed atmosphere.

Wojciech Sadowski

Wojciech Sadowski

CEO of CRB Factoring Sp. z o.o.

PragmaGO gives our customers the opportunity to realistically raise working capital in express time. The customer evaluation system is largely automated, but it does not exclude expert evaluation of the transaction, resulting in a high percentage of positive decisions on granting financing in a short period of time. Our customers appreciate the flexibility of the service, access to the online Customer Panel and the high quality of service at PragmaGO.

Pavel Leshchuk

Pavel Leshchuk

CEO of Credit Risk Brokers

Another year of successful cooperation with PragmaGO is behind us, during which we jointly implemented an interesting project – a webinar entitled “How to avoid the consequences of contractor insolvency?”. In the webinar, we presented solutions for entrepreneurs – including. We explained what is involved in combining a receivables insurance policy with a factoring service. It is a good product for the current uncertain times. Thanks to PragmaGO, we can offer it to our clients who want to gain access to cash from issued invoices and not worry about the risk of losing receivables in the event of a counterparty’s insolvency.

PragmaGO is:

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0 mld zł

funding provided
in 2023

0 tys.

financed invoices
in 2023


in 2023