26 years of PragmaGO: from a single computer to a fintech company

1996: formation of Premium Financial Group

2002: establishment of Pragma Inkaso

2011: Pragma Faktoring is established – Pragma Inkaso acquires Premium Financial Group

Pragma Inkaso has been trying to develop new products for some time now, focusing primarily onfactoring. So the decision was made to acquire Premium Financial Group, which had the background and knowledge to quickly develop this service.Thecompany already had a factoring system and insurance in place, and the team had extensive sales experience. At the same time, Premium Financial Group had problems with over-liquidity at that point, caused by, among other things, the following. misguided investment decisions.

In 2011, an acquisition took place, leading to the creation of Pragma Factoring. The deal has stirred up a lot of excitement in the investment community. It is not often that the acquiring company is three times smaller in capital than the acquired company. The takeover went smoothly – as recalled by employees who work at PragmaGO to this day, the clash of two organizational cultures initially caused anxiety, but relatively quickly it was noticed thatthe new management is mainly focused on introducing solutions that are worked out together – based on the experience of both organizations.

New business model

Over time, factoring has become a product available to smaller entrepreneurs. They needed fast and efficient financing, for relatively small amounts (compared to corporations).There was a need to move away from large and time-consuming transactions with individual customers, in favor of volume, even if it meant a lower average turnover value of a single sale. In the new business model, the salesman no longer had the time capacity to take care of the customer at all stages of the transaction. We had to look for a new way to provide customers with quick access to financing.

2016: investment in LeaseLink and Mint Software

LeaseLink is a company that offers leasing services, available completely online. LeaseLink’s customers were entrepreneurs with low-volume financing needs. Pragma Factoring has invested in LeaseLink, which has inspiredchanges in the way factoring products are sold. Once again, there was a merger that allowed know-how and experience to flow between previously unrelated organizations. Largely as a result of its experience with LeaseLink, Pragma Faktoring has expanded its online sales channel, which has allowed it to reach more smaller customers.The online sales channel has received a new brand, namely “PragmaGO.”

However, successful online sales would not be possible without the right technological facilities to ensure the security and ease of use of the system. Having a close-knit and experienced team of developers inside the organization would ensure constant access to software. Thus, the technology companyMint Software (now PragmaGO.tech) joined the group. With this merger, Pragma Factoring has become a fintech company, and technological development is one of the bases for optimizing operations.

Repetitive tasks are to be performed by technology. The time freed up by technology is spent building relationships with customers and listening carefully – to hear what their needs are. Then we go back to the technology with this knowledge and design appropriate solutions. We scale them up and check them out – we listen again. This is how good products are made

– CEO Tomasz Boduszek reveals.

2020: Pragma Faktoring changes name to PragmaGO, investment in fintech Brutto.pl

The change of the company’s name became necessary because Pragma Factoring no longer offered only factoring. As the market and customer needs developed, new products were gradually introduced – including. Single invoice financing, tax financing or loans.The name “Pragma Factoring” was replaced by “PragmaGO.”

In 2020, there was also an investment in fintech startup Brutto.co.uk, which specializes in providing financial services to online accounting office clients. These are services in which PragmaGO’s management sees great potential for growth in the near future.

2021: Polish Enterprise Funds invest in the company, start cooperation with Allegro Business

In 2021, there was a partnership with Allegro Business. The partnership has given thousands of entrepreneursthe opportunity to finance their BNPL (“buy now, pay later”) purchases in the B2B market.

There was also another breakthrough moment – PragmaGO was acquired by thePolish Enterprise Funds.The Fund’s investment is an infusion not only of financial resources, but also ofconsulting facilities. Thus, this is another moment in the company’s development where expertise is transferred. This makes it possible to realize the objectives reflected in the company’s name.“GO” is about speed and constantly moving forward in response to changing customer needs.

2022: 1.5 million in turnover, acquisition of Fandla’s business and cooperation with EBRD

The year 2022 was very successful for the Company, which achieved a record turnover value of more than PLN 1.6 billion (up 58% year-on-year). In August, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development granted PragmaGO a €5 million loan. Thus, the Company has joined the ranks of companies that can boast of undertaking cooperation with this esteemed institution. In September, PragmaGO made another acquisition – an organized part of Fandla Factoring, opening an office in Warsaw. A strategic investor (Enterprise Investors) has increased PragmaGO’s equity to PLN 100 million.

2022 is also the year of dynamic growth of embedded finance services in the partnership channel (under this model, the Company provided financing worth PLN 313 million, a year-on-year increase of 64%). PragmaGO’s new partners include. Teleroute, Drukomat, Cairo B2B, Waltoria, Hurton. Previous cooperation with Alleg ro has resulted in the further development of Allegro Pay Business and the introduction of an innovative product – Merchant Finance. In this service, PragmaGO provides a financing proposal for the platform’s merchants based on analysis of transaction and behavioral data provided by Allegro.

Learn about our history
















Acquisition of Fandla Factoring business and opening of Warsaw office

Cooperation with the EBRD

Increase in equity

PragmaGO up to PLN 100 million through Enterprise Investors


Cooperation with Allegro – innovative financing available to thousands of Polish companies

Enterprise Investors invests PLN 75 million and acquires PragmaGO


Pragma Factoring changes its name to PragmaGO and develops online products


Creating an online sales channel – the “PragmaGO” project

Brutto.pl joins Pragma Group

Sale transaction of LeaseLink (worth PLN 102 million) to mBank


“Golden Banker” award for LeaseLink

Dynamic growth of online sales


LeaseLink the leader of the e-leasing market


MintSoftware and LeaseLink provide technology background

Investment in LeaseLink and Mint Software (now PragmaGO.tech)


KNF license to manage receivables of securitization funds for Pragma Inkaso


Acquisition of Premium Financial Group – Pragma Factoring will be established


IPO on the WSE and Catalyst. Introduction of factoring


Pragma Inkaso SA debut on New Connect


Premium Financial Group’s debut on the WSE


The formation of Pragma Inkaso Sp. z o.o.


Establishment of Premium Financial Group

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