News PragmaGO

What’s new with PragmaGO? Find out the latest information on current events, products, financial results and the market situation.

News PragmaGO

Zmiany w funkcjonowaniu świątecznych systemów rozliczeniowych w Wielkanoc

Transfers on Easter- check how Elixir and Euro Elixir systems work!

On public holidays, the Elixir and Euro Elixir systems operate differently than usual. Check out what to look out for.

Wraz z fundacją Las na Zawsze wsparliśmy zakup lasu

We are launching a partnership with the Forest Forever Foundation

We are very pleased to announce a partnership with the Forest Forever Foundation, an organization dedicated to protecting and nurturing Poland’s forests now and for future generations.

PragmaGO przejęła spółkę Monevia

PragmaGO consolidates factoring market and acquires Monevia company

The two entities will be able to scale up and jointly develop digital factoring dedicated to micro and small businesses.

Zostaliśmy laureatem Diamentów Forbesa 2024

We are the winner of Forbes Diamonds 2024!

We found ourselves in the elite group of the fastest growing companies in Poland.

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