Tooling agreement – what is it and what benefits does it bring?

Imagine a contract where one company uses the resources of another free of charge, the other company uses the fact of the transfer of resources for use in, for example, the promotion of its brand, and on top of this, neither party is subject to not only income tax but also VAT as a result. This is the tooling agreement. Does Polish law provide for the possibility of concluding such an agreement? Well, technically speaking: it does not… because a tooling agreement is one of the so-called unnamed agreements. It can be concluded without any obstacles within the limits of the applicable law, but care must be taken to ensure that the content of the document precisely defines the rights and obligations of the parties to the agreement.
Table of contents:


What is a tooling agreement?


What are the conditions for using the funds in tooling?

Benefits of tooling

What does the contractor gain?

What does the principal gain?

Tooling vs. taxes

Tooling contract in law


Tooling contract interpretations

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