Consequences of an unpaid invoice

Have you ever wondered, Entrepreneur, what kind of sequence of events you can cause when you do not pay an invoice on time? Looking at the problem of payment bottlenecks in Poland, rather few people think about it at all. And the consequences can be enormous, they can even lead to the bankruptcy of your business. This is, of course, the bleakest scenario, but it would be important to consider what could happen if you are in arrears with unpaid invoices.
Table of contents:

Debt exchange for late payment of invoice

Entry in the Register of Insolvent Debtors and the judicial process

Unpaid invoice vs. bankruptcy court petition

The final action of the creditor, if the debtor is found to be insolvent, is to apply to the commercial court to declare our company bankrupt. When the company itself fails to make such a request, for good cause, there is the threat of being deprived of the right to do business for a certain period.

As you can see, timely payment of financial obligations can save us from experiencing many unpleasant consequences. The pragmatic Entrepreneur knows that even one unpaid invoice can cause all the above-mentioned actions of a determined creditor.

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