Pragmatic support for your business

Leaders in every industry build advantage based on knowledge and experience. We want to support Polish entrepreneurs, so we share our knowledge with you.

In our guide you will find a new article every week, in which we cover issues related to entrepreneurship in Poland. We invite you to read more!

Pragmatic support for your business

5 minutes of reading

Recycling fee for companies – who is affected?

What is the recycling fee? When should it be collected and what is its rate? Check it out!

7 minutes of reading

VAT settlement – monthly or quarterly?

Which VAT accounting period is more beneficial for your business: monthly or quarterly? Learn the differences!

6 minutes of reading

Business travel in 2023 – how to calculate an employee’s mileage?

What is an employee’s mileage and how to calculate it under the 2023 rules? Check it out!

5 minutes of reading

Consequences of not paying Social Security contributions on time

Are you short of cash to pay Social Security on time and afraid of the consequences? Find out what you risk if you are delayed and how to deal with it!

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