Pragmatic support for your business

Leaders in every industry build advantage based on knowledge and experience. We want to support Polish entrepreneurs, so we share our knowledge with you.

In our guide you will find a new article every week, in which we cover issues related to entrepreneurship in Poland. We invite you to read more!

Pragmatic support for your business

Jak sprawdzić, czy firma jest zarejestrowana?
10 minutes of reading

How to check if the company is registered?

Verify your counterparty in publicly available databases and make it safe to do business with them!

7 minutes of reading

Cash transaction limit in 2024 – how much is it?

Currently, the cash transaction limit applies only to B2B transactions. Soon, however, the amount of the limit will significantly decrease, and the limit will also apply to transactions with consumers. Check out the list of changes!

ubezpieczenie oc firmy
6 minutes of reading

Business liability insurance – what are the benefits?

Company insurance is not always mandatory, but it has many benefits. Check it out!

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