Online factoring

with guaranteed payment

Sign the contract and get an advance payment right away. We will take care of the assignment formalities later!

Limits up to PLN 15,000,000
Financing in PLN, EUR, USD, GBP or CHF
Up to PLN 150,000 without a promissory note
We pay 100% of the advance by express transfer
Free monitoring of receivables

Fill out a free application

Get permanent access to cash at terms convenient to you.

How does factoring work?

You issue deferred payment invoices, and we pay you in advance. Your contractor then gives the amount due on the invoice due date directly to us.

We sign a cooperation agreement and you get access to the Client Zone, where you submit invoices for financing – quickly and conveniently.

We grant a limit from PLN 50,000 to PLN 15,000,000 – also possible in EUR, USD, GBP or CHF.

You spend the funds you receive on any corporate purpose.

What makes our factoring offer different?

We finance companies from day one of their operations. If there is no credit history, we carry out an assessment of the invoice recipient’s payment reliability.

You don’t waste time controlling invoice repayment dates – we do it for you. We also advise on how to secure your transactions through the use of appropriate sales documents.

Kalkulator faktoringu online

Wybierz walutę dla faktoringu

Podaj kwotę limitu, o jaki wnioskujesz

Szacunkowy koszt netto Info

Przykładowa kalkulacja wyliczona dla przedsiębiorcy, który rozlicza podatek liniowy (19%) oraz VAT. Ma ona wyłącznie charakter informacyjny i nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 par. 1 KC. Dla limitów pow. 250 tys. zł lub 75 tys. EUR przygotowujemy indywidualną ofertę cenową.
6000 PLN
/ miesiąc
Przedstawiona kalkulacja nie stanowi oferty handlowej w rozumieniu art. 66 par. 1 KC. Całkowity koszt został wyliczony dla przedsiębiorcy, który rozlicza podatek liniowy (19%) oraz VAT. Dla faktur o nominale pow. 250 tys. zł lub 75 tys. EUR przygotowujemy specjalną ofertę cenową.

Fill out the application – it will take you a few minutes.

Submission of the form is free of charge and does not oblige you to use the service – we will prepare an individual offer based on it.

At the last stage of the application, we will ask you to verify the company’s bank account number through the Kontomatik application or with a return verification transfer (for the amount of PLN 1).

Once you send in your application, your customer advisor will contact you and provide support throughout the process.

We will then analyze the information in your application and propose the terms of cooperation that will be most favorable.

Within 1-2 days you will receive a decision on the factoring limit and a contract for approval.

Factoring agreements do not require a signature on a paper version – all you need is an electronic signature, which you provide, for example, using the Autenti platform.

If you prefer to sign a traditional contract, we will arrange for a courier service to come to the address you specify.

We guarantee payment of the first tranche before the recipient agrees to the assignment. All you have to do is sign the contract, and the funds will immediately go into your account.

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Customer Zone

In the Customer Zone you benefit from financing on an ongoing basis – without additional paperwork.