Contraption. What is it and how to account for it?

Overdue payments by counterparties can be a major inconvenience for some companies (especially smaller ones or those just starting out), in extreme cases even preventing them from meeting their own obligations on time. Knowing this, it is worth considering a discount, i.e. a discount for early payment.
Table of contents:

A discount is otherwise known as a conditional rebate that a business can give to a counterparty in exchange for early repayment of an obligation. This discount can be freely given on the basis of arrangements between the entities involved in a domestic or foreign transaction.

According to the letter of the law (Art. 106e para. 1 pt. 10 of the Law on Value Added Tax) the purchase/sale invoice should contain information on all discounts granted, their amount and the conditions under which they are granted.


The company issues a sales invoice for the net amount of PLN 7,000. VAT will then amount to PLN 1610, and the gross value of the invoice will be PLN 8610. By virtue of the agreement with the contractor, the entrepreneur decides to give a discount of 3.5%.


The aforementioned transaction for the gross amount of PLN 8610 took place at the end of March, and the invoice was issued on the 28th. day of that month. Meeting the discount condition, the contractor transferred funds to the seller’s account on April 3.

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