Deferral of payment of Social Security premiums

There are many risks associated with running a business – it is necessary to invest in the development of the company, constantly fight for the customer, and sometimes also make risky business decisions. An unsuccessful investment or delays in payments from contractors can lead to the inability to pay ZUS contributions. To avoid potential problems related to this, it is worth finding out in advance how to postpone ZUS payments.
Table of contents:

Application for deferral of contributions directly to Social Security

First: the deadline

Second: submission of the application

  • NIP, REGON or PESEL number (the latter for individuals);
  • address and contact information;
  • the desired deferral date and the calculated amount of contributions you want to defer;
  • the form of taxation that the company used in the current year and the three previous years.

In addition, a detailed justification will be necessary – this is the most important element of the application, which will determine the decision of the Social Security representative.


The RSO’s application should be processed as soon as possible, but the acceptable deadline is no later than 2 months from the date of application.

What do you gain from deferring Social Security payments?

Possible complications

The above scenario was the most optimistic one. However, one must also prepare for a less auspicious course of events. Resubmit the RSO application in a situation where:

  • request for deferral was rejected – in such a situation, we can try again, but before challenging the decision of the Social Security Administration, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate argumentation;
  • the proposed terms are not satisfactory – deferred contributions for a quarter, while the company requested deferred payments for six months? Appeal the decision – it costs nothing, so it is worth trying;
  • you do not keep the terms of the contract – Even from the worst matrix there is a way out – if the situation of your company has deteriorated, so that you are not able to implement the provisions of the agreement with Social Security (you do not pay, so that the agreement is de facto broken), you can apply again to keep its provisions in force (and negotiate a change in the terms).

Second way to defer Social Security payments

How does tax and Social Security financing work in PragmaGO?

Individualized approach: the entrepreneur can choose in how many installments he wants to repay the obligation. Available options are 3, 6, 9 or 12 monthly installments.

Advantages of the offer

  • Flexibility and adaptation to the needs of the entrepreneur.
  • Convenient online application.
  • No need for complicated procedures at Social Security.
  • Quick decision and the ability to defer Social Security payments in a short period of time.
  • Advisory support and expert assistance in the deferral process.


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