What is an ESOP – Employee Stock Option Plan?

Among the wide range of benefits that Polish companies offer their employees, unusual bonuses are increasingly appearing. Private medical care, fruit Thursdays and the possibility of taking advantage of discounts at the gym no longer make the same impression as they did a decade ago – especially on senior employees. People whose work is crucial to the operation of companies can count on more attractive benefits – such as the Employee Stock Option Plan.
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Under this acronym are two terms – Employee Stock Option Plan and Employee Stock Ownership Plan. Both mean virtually the same thing, although some sources say that the abbreviation containing the word “ownership” should apply only to the equity variant, which we will talk about later in the article.

An ESOP is a form of compensation that in many ways resembles a loyalty or incentive program. Under it, the company transfers shares in the company to some employees, making them co-owners. This is a popular solution especially in startups – shares can be a form of signing bonus or used to retain top talent in the company.

In searching for the definition of ESOP, it is worth reading carefully Article. 24 para. 11b of the PIT Law. The document includes information on incentive programs. However, the regulations only cover joint-stock companies:

Incentive program […] means the remuneration system established on the basis of a resolution of the general meeting by:

  1. joint-stock company, for persons obtaining benefits or other receivables from it […],
  2. a joint-stock company that is the parent company […] in relation to the company from which persons entitled to receive benefits under this remuneration scheme receive benefits or other receivables […],

– as a result of which persons entitled to receive benefits under this remuneration system directly or as a result of the exercise of rights from derivative financial instruments or the exercise of rights from securities […] or the exercise of other property rights, acquire the right to actually take up or acquire shares in the company […].

An Employee Stock Ownership Plan is nothing less than a powerful benefit that can serve many functions. Here are some of the benefits achievable just through programs of this kind:

  • Retention of key employees – a valuable ESOP will make the best professionals more likely to stay with the company for the long term,
  • incentive during recruitment – using the ESOP as a signing bonus will significantly increase the attractiveness of the job offer,
  • Defer part of the salary – offering a package of shares to employees will make them willing to accept a lower salary. In this way, the company increases its value and better controls its finances,
  • Branding – ESOP implementation is a great opportunity to highlight the company’s values. Partnership, cooperation and employee appreciation are desirable traits for companies in the current market.
  • Tax benefits – a lot depends on the program variant chosen, but a properly structured ESOP will allow the company to apply preferential taxation to a portion of revenues (those realized in connection with the implemented share program).

Preparing a plan for granting shares to employees does not have to be a complicated and lengthy process, but there is no doubt that the whole matter should be thought through to the smallest detail – after all, the company’s shares are at stake. Before you start, it’s worth asking yourself some important questions:

What percentage of the company’s shares will be covered by the program?
This is a key issue to consider at the very beginning. As a rule, this coefficient does not exceed 25% – it is worth keeping this in mind.
Who will the program be intended for?
Do you want to offer shares only to senior employees? Are you going to use them as a bargaining chip in the recruitment of specialists? Or maybe you want to divide the shares among all current team members? The answer to this question will depend largely on how large your company is and what stage it is currently at. Startups like to attract experienced people with a share package, but when you employ a hundred employees, offering shares to everyone may prove to be a risky solution.
What exactly do you want to offer ESOP participants?
Covering an employee with the Employee Stock Option Plan does not mean that you have to admit him to the management board and grant him the right to dividend. You can offer equity, option or phantom rights under the program – we will describe them later in the article.
How do you want to divide packages among employees?
The answer to this question will require dividing employees – for example, by length of service or position held. Take into account the fact that employees who will be with your company from the beginning (in the case of a start-up) risk much more than people who join, for example, in the third year of the company’s operation.
What criteria will need to be met to withdraw profits from the program?
This point is inextricably linked to the previous ones – however, you must remember that the rules regarding the payment of profits must be clear and described in great detail. All this to avoid misunderstandings and disappointments, and thus not to strain the relationship between the company and its key employees.
How will ESOP impact the organization?
The introduction of such an important program for employees will have an impact on important elements of the company’s operation. This mainly concerns investment rounds and methods of financing the company. To be well prepared for the implementation of an ESOP, you must anticipate most of its effects, especially the long-term ones.

Currently, we most often encounter three types of Employee Stock Option Plan programs: equity, option and phantom. We will devote a longer moment to each of them.

  • Variant with capital allowances

In this option the company grants some ownership rights to ESOP participants in the form of shares. This means that the employee also has the right to share in profits (dividends) and the right to vote according to the conversion rate adopted in the company’s articles of association.

This option is the most opulent, with the employee becoming a proper shareholder in the company (even if the shares are a small percentage of the total).

  • Variant with option rights

This type of program gives employees the right to buy shares in the company at a certain future date. This option is sometimes available in the form of a subscription – this spreads the cost and has an impact on employee loyalty. Longer time spent in the company entitles you to receive more shares.

  • Variant with phantom authority

In this option, the employee does not receive actual shares, but retains the right to share in the company’s income, and more specifically to receive a profit distribution. The scope of the payment must be defined in detail. As a rule, phantom powers are granted in limited liability companies, where the equity power option cannot be used due to legal restrictions. Phantom entitlements do not have to end with profits alone – nothing prevents employees from being granted, for example, the right to vote or participate in shareholders’ meetings.

Business is changing, and with it the ways of employers to encourage employees to join this company rather than another, to stay with the company or take more responsibility for its performance. ESOP is a solution that can contribute to the company’s growth in many fields, and at the same time increase job satisfaction.

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