Let’s take care of your safety

At PragmaGO, we make every effort to secure your and your company’s data. You also have a big influence on it!

Let’s take care of your safety

Safety rules

Do not share your data
Check authorisation text messages carefully
Do not install suspicious
Verify that the site you are on is genuine
Take care of software updates
Ensure the power of your passwords
Be careful where you log in from
Beware of links and attachments
Do not connect unknown devices to your computer
Do not search for PragmaGO login pages in search engines

How can scammers try to phish your data?

It can come in various forms:

  • A fake page prompting you to enter your login information,
  • person calling and impersonating a PragmaGO consultant (so-called Vishing or Voice phishing),
  • An email/SMS message asking you to immediately take some action or make a payment through a suspicious link (known as Smishing or SMS phising).

How to recognize the real side of PragmaGO?

  1. Make sure the site address starts with https:// and not http://
  2. Verify that a padlock sign appeared next to the address, in the browser bar

Scammers often create domains that closely resemble their real counterparts by changing a single character (e.g., “pragmag0” instead of “pragmago”), the order of letters (e.g., “pramgago”) or swapping letters for similar-looking ones (e.g., “prağmago”).

All other addresses should arouse your vigilance – absolutely do not provide any of your data on them.

If you are not sure if the link you clicked on took you to the right page, close it and enter the correct address manually in your browser.

How do I verify an attempted contact from PragmaGO?

Contact from other addresses or numbers should arouse your vigilance. If you are not sure if it is not a phishing attempt:

Do you need help?

Direct all other requests or inquiries to our Customer Service Department: