Pragmatic support for your business

Leaders in every industry build advantage based on knowledge and experience. We want to support Polish entrepreneurs, so we share our knowledge with you.

In our guide you will find a new article every week, in which we cover issues related to entrepreneurship in Poland. We invite you to read more!

Pragmatic support for your business

podatek vat za transport osób i towarów
8 minutes of reading

Freight and passenger transport services and VAT rate

Want to know how to account for VAT for transportation services? Check it out!

jak zautomatyzować procesy biznesowe?
6 minutes of reading

Business process automation – what is it and what benefits does it bring?

What does business process automation mean and what benefits does it bring?

buy now pay later dla przedsiębiorców
7 minutes of reading

BNPL – what is Buy Now Pay Later for companies?

How does deferred payment work for companies? Meet BNPL in 2024!

Kto może skorzystać ze zwolnienia z podatku VAT w 2024 roku?
6 minutes of reading

VAT exemption in 2024 – who can benefit and what is the limit?

Find out how to take advantage of the VAT exemption in 2024!

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