Pragmatic support for your business

Leaders in every industry build advantage based on knowledge and experience. We want to support Polish entrepreneurs, so we share our knowledge with you.

In our guide you will find a new article every week, in which we cover issues related to entrepreneurship in Poland. We invite you to read more!

Pragmatic support for your business

14 minutes of reading

Transport mobility package – assumptions, regulations and changes in 2024

The mobility package is legislation aimed at improving working conditions for drivers in the EU. Check out the latest changes!

księgowy obliczający globalny podatek minimalny
6 minutes of reading

Global minimum tax – what will it consist of and when will it come into effect?

What does the global minimum tax serve and what is it based on? Here’s everything you need to know!

komu grozi konfiskata pojazdu i jakie są warunki dla kierowców zawodowych?
7 minutes of reading

Vehicle impound – how have regulations changed for professional drivers?

Who is at risk of having their vehicle impounded? What do the regulations say about confiscation in the case of professional drivers?

jak zautomatyzować procesy biznesowe?

Company restructuring – what is it and how does it affect factoring?

What does restructuring consist of? How does it affect factoring financing?

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