Pragmatic support for your business

Leaders in every industry build advantage based on knowledge and experience. We want to support Polish entrepreneurs, so we share our knowledge with you.

In our guide you will find a new article every week, in which we cover issues related to entrepreneurship in Poland. We invite you to read more!

Pragmatic support for your business

9 minutes of reading
8 minutes of reading

Invoice cancellation – how and when can it be done?

There are specific circumstances under which an entrepreneur can cancel an invoice. Check out which ones!

5 minutes of reading

CSR relief – sponsorship of social activities

In January 2022, there is a new tax credit – the CSR credit. Learn more about it.

6 minutes of reading

Re-invoicing of costs of purchase of goods and services

Re-invoicing is the resale of a good or service to a third party. Can everything be re-invoiced?

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