Change in the form of taxation

There are exactly four forms of taxation available for business activities in the Polish tax system. Each entrepreneur must choose one of them at the time of setting up the business, and even if he does not do so, he will automatically be assigned a default settlement, i.e. a tax scale (in other words: general rules) – this is provided for in Article 9a of the PIT Act. However, it happens that for various reasons (for example, a change in the nature of the business or an increase in revenue), companies want to make changes and choose a more favourable settlement.
Table of contents:

Change of taxation form – until when?

If an entrepreneur wants to switch to a flat rate or flat tax, he can make the change in the form of taxation by the 20th. day of the month following the month in which he received the first income in the current tax year. If an entrepreneur recorded his first income in December, he can change the form of taxation by the end of the fiscal year.


On the other hand, if we are talking about a company that has been operating for a long time, in all likelihood, it will make its first revenue in January. This means that he can declare a change in the form of taxation by February 20 of a given year. In 2024, changing the form of taxation for companies that earned income in January is no longer possible!

If you want to change your settlement to the PIT scale, you can declare the change on your annual return.

Changing the form of taxation to a tax card – is it possible?

If an entrepreneur uses a tax card and wants to switch to another form of taxation, he can do so until January 20 of each year.

Loss of right to use tax card

A taxpayer may lose the right to use the tax card during the year. This happens if he violates any of the conditions – for example, he starts doing business outside the country, uses subcontractors or opens another business. These conditions have not changed for a long time, so they do not come as a surprise. However, there is another circumstance that can result in the loss of the right to use the tax card. It is about the decision of the tax office.

This decision may be issued as a result of erroneous information provided by the taxpayer in the application for the choice of a form of taxation or on invoices documenting the transactions carried out. The tax office also reacts if the taxpayer fails to inform the head of the US of the occurrence of events causing the loss of the right to use the tax card within 7 days.

Prior to December 31, 2021, each decision of the tax authority had effect until the end of the calendar year in question. This meant that from the moment the decision was received, the taxpayer had to switch to a tax scale settlement – with no option to change to a flat rate or flat tax. In turn, all the contributions he had made up to that point were credited to the contributions made under the general rules. At the beginning of the following year, the taxpayer could apply for a tax card and, if he met the conditions, return to this type of accounting.

Currently, the decision of the tax office is final – once the right to use the tax card is lost once, the taxpayer has no possibility of returning to this form of taxation in the future.

How to change the form of taxation?


Updating the CEIDG-1 form, you will certainly hit the necessary field to fill in called “date the change occurred.” Enter the date of January 1 of the current year in this field, even if you fill out the application in mid-February. The change you are requesting also covers the period in which your company recorded its first revenue for the year.

Regardless of the form chosen, it is necessary to submit the relevant applications or update the online form by the 20th. day of the month following the month in which the company recorded its first revenue in the fiscal year.


Once chosen, the form of taxation does not have to be “renewed.” Thus, if you apply for flat-rate accounting, your company will be obliged to account for the flat rate until you apply for another change on your part (that is, at the beginning of the next year at the earliest).

The principle of continuity applies to every form of taxation currently available in the Polish tax system.

Which form of taxation to choose?

General rules (tax scale)


Exceeding the income threshold of PLN 120,000 during the year means that the taxpayer will pay PLN 10,800 in tax and 32% tax on the excess above PLN 120,000.

Flat tax

Lump sum on registered income

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