Advantage of a debt collection company over a law firm
Before incurring the costs of litigation, let’s see what we are able to negotiate. It is the debt collection company that will be helpful in this effort. In comparison – law firms have a rather limited range of services.
For example – in the time it takes for the law firm to issue a formal letter to the debtor, and then take the case to court for a repayment order, the representative of the collection company will have time to call several times, send an email, and if there is no contact, visit the debtor at his premises. In this way, the whole matter will be settled amicably and more cheaply.
Act quickly and efficiently
In recent years, the debt recovery market has undergone very rapid development. Debt collection companies often provide comprehensive liquidity management services. While we are waiting for our debt to be repaid, they will give us an advance, or provide a short-term loan to finance current operations. Ultimately – they can simply buy the entire debt and from then on it becomes only their concern.
It is worth keeping this in mind, as action needs to be taken quickly if debt is incurred. And activities carried out by traditional methods are unfortunately not such.
The most effective activities are those undertaken within the first two to three months of the due date. In a situation where the debtor only needs to be “reminded” about the debt, and most conflicts can be resolved amicably – prematurely taking proceedings to court can also unnecessarily spoil relations between partners.
And if it’s necessary – the case will end up in court anyway, because ultimately all that matters is getting your money back.