Conversion of a business into a limited liability company.

The sole trader is the most common form of business, especially among those entrepreneurs who are just trying their hand at outside employment. It has a number of advantages – including the simplicity of operation – but there are also dark sides. One of these is full personal responsibility for the company’s finances. A sole trader is personally liable for his company. This means that in the event of large losses, he will have to cover them all from his own pocket. This is precisely the reason why the natural next step for many self-employed people is to convert their business into a company … or to set up a new limited liability company.
Table of contents:

Is it worth converting a sole proprietorship into a company?

What does an entrepreneur gain by switching from a JDG to a limited liability company?

What are the disadvantages of converting a sole proprietorship into a company?

Get ready for more paperwork

What does the transformation plan consist of?

Consider the costs

Preparation of a plan for the transformation of the entrepreneur in the form of a notarial deedUp to 246 zł
Preparation of a limited liability company agreement in the form of a notarial deedUp to PLN 1,000 with the minimum value of share capital (PLN 5,000)
Determination of the value of the company’s assets by the auditorFrom about PLN 1,000 to 1,500
Opinion of court-appointed auditorFrom PLN 1,500 to PLN 5,000, depending on the number of people employed in the transformed enterprise
Court fee on the application for the appointment of an auditor to examine the transformation plan300 zł
Court fee for registering a limited liability company with the National Court Register.250 zł
Fee for placing the company’s entry in the Court and Economic Monitor100 zł


What else is worth keeping in mind when converting a business into a company?

Does it make sense to convert a sole proprietorship into a limited liability company?

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