Assistance in debt recovery
In most cases, a professional debt collector is interested in communicating with the debtor. Therefore, he will try to establish with the defaulter the reason for the liability. It can also offer to spread the debt into installments and a deadline for their repayment. Contrary to popular belief, the debt collector does not care about driving the entrepreneur into even more debt. On the contrary, he wants to help him pay back financially. Collection activities are carried out with a focus on recovery and are not in the nature of sanctions against the debtor.
Mediation, a professional negotiation tool
The parties can work out a settlement on their own or use a professional negotiation tool such as mediation. Such a solution provides for the presence of a third party, uninvolved in the conflict, who will look at the problem from a perspective and propose mutually beneficial solutions. This is one of the reasons why businesses prefer to hire a debt collector to resolve disputes. In addition, the mediation process takes much less time than court proceedings. The debtor, who cares about the smooth settlement of debts, will certainly appreciate this solution. In addition, unlike a court trial, in which we submit to the authoritative decision of a judge, in the mediation process we have full control over its course and conclusion. The debtor and the debt collector agree on a mutually beneficial compromise and sign an appropriate agreement to settle the debt.
The best choice for both parties
Mediation is the cheapest way to resolve conflicts. It is commonly used for disputes between business partners, especially if they involve payment of dues. Resolving a dispute through mediation does not derail further cooperation between counterparties. A key aspect of undertaking mediation, is the mutual desire to resolve the conflict. Mediation is voluntary, and everyone has the right to it. The mediation process ends with a written agreement between the debt collector and the debtor. It defines the terms of the agreement and has a time limit. If the defaulting entity fails to fulfill the contract, the case may go to court.
Amicable conflict resolution should not be delayed too long. The creditor’s patience also has its limits. The decision to contact the creditor or a debt collection company hired by the creditor is better made at the beginning of the conflict to avoid costly, time-consuming and stressful court proceedings.