Functions and essence of factoring

Factoring is a service that, depending on the current needs of the entity reaching for it, can play various roles. We usually see the basic functions of factoring: improving liquidity and protection against dishonest counterparties. What other functions can this service perform and what is its essence? Let’s find out!
Table of contents:

What are the functions of factoring?

Financial function of factoring


Mr. Maciej, who runs a business, cooperates with company “X” and regularly issues invoices to this company in the amount of PLN 15,000. The payment term on his invoices is always 60 days. Mr. Maciej, in order to carry out further orders, cannot wait so long for cash, he needs the funds now. Company “X” is one of Mr. Maciej’s regular contractors, and as a result, he decides on permanent factoring. Mr. Maciej, immediately after issuing an invoice to company “X” (and to the other regular contractors submitted for factoring), can submit it for financing and get the frozen funds faster.

Administrative function of factoring

Guarantee function of factoring

Functions of factoring

A multitude of possibilities

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