National Electronic Register of Road Transport Entrepreneurs – what is it?

Since 30 November 2017, the Chief Road Transport Inspector has maintained and been in charge of KREPTD – the National Electronic Register of Road Transport Entrepreneurs. It is an open, public and publicly accessible database where any interested person can consult the data of road transport entrepreneurs. What data can be found in the KREPTD? What is the purpose of creating such a comprehensive database? We answer!
Table of contents:

What is the purpose of creating the KREPTD?

KREPTD – three records

What data does the National Electronic Register of Road Transport Entrepreneurs contain?

  • community license number,
  • The beginning and end of the validity of the license,
  • The date of expiration, revocation, suspension or expiration of license suspension (if applicable),
  • The reason for suspension or revocation of the license (if applicable),
  • number of vehicles,
  • license status.

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