Re-invoicing of costs of purchase of goods and services

When a transaction is concluded between counterparties, it is usually accompanied by the issuing of a VAT invoice – in this way, the seller documents the sale and the buyer receives a confirmation of the sale with the necessary information, such as the date of the transaction, the amount to be paid or the date of payment. Sometimes, however, the buyer is only an intermediary between the seller and the person or entity that will actually use the purchased service or – less frequently – the goods. In such a situation, the buyer may wish to use re-invoicing.
Table of contents:

Re-invoicing – what is it?


What services and goods can be re-invoiced?

Re-invoicing and taxes

The moment when the tax obligation arises

Re-invoicing and PIT / CIT tax

Re-invoicing by a non-taxpayer

How to obtain an individual tax interpretation?


Examples of tax interpretations on reinvoicing:

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