Tax microaccounting – everything you need to know about it

The correct payment of taxes is the responsibility of all entrepreneurs. In the past, this required every sole trader to transfer funds every month (or quarter) to several different accounts. Fortunately, on 1 January 2020, an initiative to make it easier for entrepreneurs to meet their tax obligations came into force – the individual micro-tax account. Check out what – as an entrepreneur – you gain from the micro-account!
Table of contents:

Tax microaccounting – what is it used for?

How to pay into a microaccount?


Tax microaccounting – where to get it from?

How to check a microaccount?

How to interpret the microaccount number?

The components of a michoracle

How to pay taxes without a PESEL or TIN number?

Which taxes are not covered by microaccounting?


Payment to a microaccount – how to fix a mistake?

Having trouble paying your taxes on time? There is a solution for that!

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