Category: Factoring
Factoring for transport companies – forget about payment bottlenecks!
Long payment terms in transportation are the norm. Find out how factoring can help you shorten them.
How to read the ranking of factoring companies and what information can we extract from it?
Looking for the best factor? Check out what to pay attention to!
What does efactoring consist of? What makes it stand out?
How does efactoring work? How to use it?
Factoring – what is it and what are its types?
Factoring is a service that can help improve your company’s liquidity. Learn about the types of factoring and what advantages and disadvantages this type of solution has.
Factoring market in Poland
Factoring is a service that is gaining popularity among Polish entrepreneurs. See an analysis of CSO data from 2016-2019. Also check how PragmaGO is doing during the coronavirus pandemic.
Factoring – with or without recourse?
What is the difference between factoring with recourse and that without recourse? Which solution will be perfect for you? Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of both types of factoring.
Cost of factoring without secrets – interest, percentages and commissions
Do you think factoring costs are high and complex? Learn about the basic cost of factoring and possible additional fees.
White list of VAT taxpayers vs. factoring
As of Sept. 1, 2019, the so-called “new” system is already in place. “VAT white list.” Find out if the electronic list of active VAT taxpayers floats factoring settlements.
What is local government factoring?
local government? Local government factoring is a type of factoring in which the factoring counterparty is not another business, but a local government unit.
Microfactoring – what is it and why should you use it?
Ideal financing for micro and small businesses.