Time limit for VAT deduction from invoices

If you are an active VAT payer, you have the possibility to deduct the input VAT resulting from the purchase invoices you receive from the sellers. By doing so, you will reduce your tax base and consequently pay less income tax. The generation of costs resulting in lower PIT is what often convinces young entrepreneurs to become VAT payers. However, in order to get the full picture, it is also necessary to be familiar with all the obligations that arise from the deductibility of VAT. One of these is the specific deadline for VAT deduction and the need to keep to it. Until when can you deduct VAT from a purchase invoice? The answer is: it depends, but don’t worry – you’ll find out all about it in a moment!
Table of contents:

Normal VAT deduction period


When can I use quarterly VAT accounting?

Quarterly VAT accounting is available to any business that has the status of a small VAT taxpayer. How to get this status? It is enough to meet one key condition.

In the vast majority of cases, it is sufficient that the value of sales (including the amount of tax) did not exceed €2 million in the previous fiscal year. This amount is expressed in zlotys (in 2023 the limit is PLN 9,654,000).

However, there are exceptions to this rule. If you run a company providing brokerage services, manage investment funds as part of your business, or are an agent (or a person providing services of a similar nature), the limit for qualifying as a small VAT taxpayer will be much lower in your case, at only €45,000 (PLN 217,000).


I lost my invoice and what’s next?


I did not receive an invoice from the seller – how to deduct tax?


Ideal timing for VAT deduction


Slim VAT 3 – what has changed in 2023?

Goods and services tax is not one of the simplest taxes in Poland. Entrepreneurs must be on guard against making costly mistakes, and handling VAT can often be problematic. The Slim VAT package, which aims to simplify VAT, was supposed to be the answer to entrepreneurs’ comments. Its latest iteration, Slim VAT 3, has been in operation since 2023. What changes did it make in the context of VAT deduction?

Higher limits for small VAT taxpayers

Earlier in the article, we talked about small VAT taxpayers and the conditions that must be met to qualify for quarterly VAT accounting. It was with the Slim VAT 3 package that the sales limit for small VAT taxpayers was increased (from €1.2 million to €2 million).

Exchange rates when adjusting an invoice

Also important in the context of deducting VAT from invoices is a change regarding the exchange rates taken into account when settling corrective invoices to invoices issued in foreign currency. If the invoice adjustment includes a change in the amounts on the document, the same exchange rate for the currency in question must be used as on the original invoice. However, if the situation involves a cumulative adjustment invoice, the average exchange rate of the currency in question on the last business day before the date of the adjustment invoice should be taken into account.

VAT on intra-community transactions

And another change caused by the introduction of the Slim VAT 3 package – before 2023, a VAT taxpayer had to be in possession of an invoice confirming the transaction no later than three months after declaring the VAT. If the taxpayer did not receive such an invoice on time, he had to deduct the amount of input tax for the period in which the deadline passed. As of 2023, it is no longer necessary to have an invoice to be able to deduct VAT on intra-Community acquisitions of goods.

There have been changes in the context of intra-Community delivery of goods. Until 2023, the WDT should have been included in the settlement, taking into account when the delivery was made (in the same period). After the changes introduced by Slim VAT 3, it is possible to settle WDT for the period of tax liability.

What should you do if you lack the funds to pay your taxes?

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