How to fill out the online form?
- Before completing the application, prepare:
A document constituting a proof of purchase in the form of a .pdf, .jpg, .png, .xls or .xlsx file,
Your contact information (for sole proprietorships, you will also need your ID number and PESEL),
tax ID number,
the bank account number of the supplier (in the case of transactions in EUR, also the SWIFT number),
details of the supplier who processes the order (tax ID, e-mail address, telephone).
- Attach to the application a document confirming the purchase (e.g. purchase order, work order, invoice, pro forma) and enter the amount we are to pay your supplier. You can submit one document for funding in a single application.
- Choose the number of installments in which you want to repay us the cost of your purchases. Accept the agreement to verify with BIK and BIG and the financing regulations.
What are the next steps after submitting the form?
First, we will send you an email with the decision on the allocation of funds. In the same message you will receive access data to the Client Area. After logging into your account, you will gain information on the detailed terms of financing and a clear calculation of the cost of the service.
To accept the financing terms, click the “Accept (SMS code)” button. You will then receive a code in an SMS message. Enter it in the appropriate field and confirm with the button.
We transfer the money directly to your supplier’s account.
Is it necessary to fill out an online form every time to finance another purchase?
No, after the first use of the service you will finance each subsequent invoice through the Customer Zone.
Does submitting the online form constitute agreement to the funding terms?
No, submitting the online form allows you to find out the detailed terms and costs of financing. You can accept or reject them and thus not cooperate with us.